Wat is de Prestatieladder Sociaal Ondernemen?

What is the Social Enterprise Performance Ladder?

PSO is an abbreviation that stands for Social Enterprise Performance Ladder. It is a scientifically based quality mark from TNO and an instrument that shows the extent to which organizations are engaged in social entrepreneurship. With this instrument it becomes clear what is being done within an organization to increase the participation of vulnerable groups within the labor market. In this way, an organization can make its social commitment visible to the outside world.

The Social Enterprise Performance Ladder Certification

Prestatieladder Sociaal Ondernemen Certificering, abbreviated as PSO, is an instrument to make social commitment visible within the organization. The aim of the PSO is to provide more insight into the extent to which a company contributes to the realization of employment of people with a vulnerable position within the labor market. 


The goal is to unambiguously and clearly recognize and acknowledge achievements of these companies which are social entrepreneurs. This ensures that these efforts become visible to the outside world which has a positive effect on realizing more sustainable workplaces for this target group (people with a vulnerable position on the labor market).

Levels of the PCA

The Performance Ladder Social Enterprise Certification has a number of levels:

  • aspirant status;
  • step 1;
  • step 2;
  • step 3;


When an organization intends to be more social in the area of business, they can achieve aspirant status and from that point on, an organization can demonstrably begin to be more social in business in practice. 


We deliberately chose the Performance Ladder Social Enterprise Certification levels, because this has to do with an organization being able to grow on the ladder. The point is that in this way we can offer more employment in a sustainable way, for example to vulnerable groups within our society.

PSO 30+ at Confed

On the Performance Ladder Social Entrepreneur, Conf has achieved tread 3 and the PSO 30+ certificate. The PSO 30+ certificate was developed as an additional readout within the highest PSO performance level (step 3). This certificate recognizes organizations that at least meet the set quantitative requirements of article 2.82 of the Public Procurement Act. That article allows (semi)public clients to reserve contracts for companies that focus specifically on labor participation of vulnerable groups.


This position on the PSO ladder enables us to make a sustainable contribution in the field of social entrepreneurship. Obtaining the 30+ certificate is quite an achievement and can only be achieved by a great commitment of the entire company when it comes to inclusive and social entrepreneurship. Every day, everything is done to ensure that everyone feels at home and welcome within our company!

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Contact via:

info@confed.eu or tel: +31(0) 33 454 1340

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