Convenience and evolution are making electrotechnical products increasingly complex to produce. Users expect more and more (electrotechnical) products that think "smart. The miniaturization of electronic components is also becoming increasingly important. As a result, among other things, the complexity of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is evolving.
For us, this is not a stumbling block. Confed has several systems for assembling the most complicated
PCBs to assemble and design. In this blog, we explain how we accomplish this.
How is a PCB design created
A PCB design requires a combination of different disciplines. Our specialists have knowledge and experience in designing PCBs and use different systems and techniques for realizing them. Confed uses different systems for the realization of a PCB design.
The different systems for PCB design at Confed
These different systems each have their own specialty that can solve any issue our customers may have. We briefly explain for each system, within our offering, what it entails and can do for you.
Choose Confed. Choose fast, reliable and quality.
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